
Principal photography on an adaptation of Under Milk Wood, starring Rhys Ifans, has begun in Wales. Based on Dylan Thomas’s classic radio drama, Under Milk Wood stars Ifans as First Voice/Captain Cat, an old sea captain who dreams of his deceased crew members and lost love. Directed...

Metro International’s thriller is written and directed by Wilson Coneybeare. Brian Cox and Martin Freeman will star in American Hangman. Metro International’s US-based thriller is written and directed by playwright and documentarian Wilson Coneybeare, and centures on a kidnap plot that exploits the dark side of social...

Famed ’80s English band Spandau Ballet arrived in Cannes to support their film Soul Boys of the Western World. Following the film’s market screening, Tony Hadley belted out sing-along favourites including ‘True’ and ‘Gold’ to a packed house at Plage Royal. Guitarist Steve Norman rocked it...

EXCLUSIVE: UK distributor nabs music doc from Metro International. UK distributor Metrodome Distribution has picked up Spandau Ballet doc Soul Boys of the Western Worldfrom Metro International. The SXSW title, which documents the story of the iconic ‘80s band through newsreel footage and new video content from...

EXCLUSIVE: Sir Ian McKellen, Vanessa Redgrave in talks for biopic of UK playwright. Glee star Chris Colfer is attached to lead cast in Noel(working title), the Noel Coward biopic scripted by Bentand Mrs Henderson Presents writer Martin Sherman. Sir Ian McKellen, Vanessa Redgrave and Jonathan Pryce are...

EXCLUSIVE: Metro International to screen documentary about 80s band to buyers. Soul Boys of the Western World, a documentary about 1980s group Spandau Ballet that proved a hit at SXSW in March, is to be screened to buyers at the Cannes Marché next month, handled by...

EXCLUSIVE: Metro International inks multiple deals for Toronto premiere, starring Sherlock’s Andrew Scott. UK sales outfit Metro International has inked a number of deals on Irish comedy The Stag, including a US deal with Tribeca Film. Additional sales comprise Canada (TVA), Australia/NZ (Umbrella Entertainment), German-speaking Europe (Drei...

EXCLUSIVE: UK sales outfit boards SXSW-bound doc about iconic 80s band. Metro International has boarded sales on documentary Soul Boys of the Western World about iconic 1980s band Spandau Ballet, which is set to premiere at SXSW in March. The archive film charts the rise, fall and...

The distributor has picked up US rights to Half Of A Yellow Sun starring Golden Globe nominee Chiwetel Ejiofor. The film premiered in Toronto and is based on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novel of the same name. Playwright Biyi Bandele’s directorial debut also stars Thandie Newton in the...