
British films hoping to succeed in the international market must overcome production and distribution roadblocks in an increasingly competitive industry. That was the message from the ‘Selling UK Films Abroad’ panel discussion co-hosted by Screen International and the UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) agency, held at...

Rhys Ifans returns to his South Wales roots with this lusty cinematic remake of the celebrated radio play by legendary Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. Rounding off a year of celebrations to mark the centenary of his birth, the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas gets the full cinematic...

War thriller Kajaki will be screened at Cineworld in Aldershot and Odeon in Guildford as part of the many activities taking place for Armed Forces Day and Armed Forces Week. Directed by Paul Katis and written by Tom Williams, the BAFTA-nominated film is based on a...

Rhys Ifans and singer Charlotte Church star in Edinburgh-bound drama. Metrodome Distribution has acquired UK and Ireland rights to the feature version of Dylan Thomas classic Under Milk Wood from Metro International. Rhys Ifans (The Amazing Spider-Man) and singer Charlotte Church star in the drama, which will...

Distributor acquires US rights to Damon Gameau’s Generation and Culinary title That Sugar Film. More than a decade after it distributed Super Size Me, Samuel Goldwyn Films returns to champion another swipe at the food industry with its acquisition of US rights to Damon Gameau’s Generation...