
Female filmmakers stole the show at the 2018 Beijing International Film Festival, with women taking home all of the major accolades. Georgian director Ana Urushadze’s critically acclaimed debut Scary Mother was named best picture while her fellow Georgian filmmaker Mariam Khatchvani won best director for Dede. British...

Samuel Goldwyn Films has acquired North American rights to Colin McIvor’s family adventure Zoo. Art Parkinson, Penelope Wilton, and Toby Jones star in the story of friends during the Second World War who fight to save a baby elephant during the Belfast Blitz bombings in 1941. Katy...

11 January, 2017 | By Screen staff   From Lynne Ramsay’s You Were Never Really Here to Asif Kapadia’s Maradona doc, Screen profiles a selection of hot UK projects in 2017. Beast Dir Michael Pearce Former Screen International Star of Tomorrow Pearce makes his feature debut with Beast (working title),...

EXCLUSIVE: UK sales outfit boards 3D family fantasy with Willow Shields. Metro International has boarded sales on completed UK-China-New Zealand family adventure movie Into The Rainbow (formerly The Wonder). The Hunger Games’ Willow Shields, Chinese star Leo Wu, Taiwanese actress Joe Chen, Maria Grazia Cucinotta and Archie...