
As AFM presents its inaugural virtual edition (November 9-13), Screen profiles a selection of key titles that are looking to tempt buyers during the market Altitude hopes buyers will dig for Gold, its Zac Efron survival thriller. Directed by Anthony Hayes and based on a screenplay he co-wrote...

The Independent Film & Television Alliance, which produces the annual American Film Market, has elected eight new members to its board. The new directors include executives from such companies as Lionsgate, Myriad Pictures and XYZ Films. The latest additions to IFTA’s board are J.D. Beaufils (VMI Worldwide), Scott Bedno (Myriad...

Angus Macfadyen, who first played the medieval Scottish king in “Braveheart,” reprises his role in this introspective historical drama. I could have forgiven the non-Scottish actors in “Robert the Bruce” for torturing my native tongue had the filmmakers not also wrapped this sort-of appendage to Mel...

Jason Isaacs, Steven Berkoff and a host of other new names have signed on for “Creation Stories,” the film being exec-produced by Danny Boyle about Creation Records co-founder Alan McGee. The producers also unveiled the first shots of Ewen Bremner (“Trainspotting”) as the music mogul. Production is underway on the Irvine Welsh-penned project,...